[v6 General Discussion] "Clear" Option Clears both song text and foreground image
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At this time the clear option doesn't have the ability to determine what you want cleared, so it clears everything that is not the background. I'll make sure this is added as a feature request to be considered in future updates.
At this time the clear option doesn't have the ability to determine what you want cleared, so it clears everything that is not the background. I'll make sure this is added as a feature request to be considered in future updates.
Thanks, I can't think of a time when you would want "clear" to wipe the foreground image. When you use the "theme" option to create a "feel" for a song and then the clear option wipes the foreground image it feels unprofessional. For anyone else seeking a temporary workaround for this, I'm trying to add a slide without words to accomplish the same end goal... but obviously having this changed would be great thanks!
In the meantime, why don't you put the image into the background - i.e., edit the background image to show exactly what you want to appear when the slide is Cleared?
Thanks for the suggestion Mr. Kemp. The reason that wouldn't work is because I was layering a photo and a video.
Yes, you would have to edit your video to include the image overlay that you want.
Forums Migration
Recently upgraded to EW6 and am experimenting with themes. Created a theme with a background video and foreground image where the image opacity is adjusted to 40%, very aesthetically pleasing. When the worship leader has an instrumental break in the song, or is reading Scripture, or is simply engaging the congregation mid-song, in previous Easy Worship releases we would use the "Clear" button to temporarily remove the song text from the screen... no problem... with EW6, "clear" clears both the text AND the foreground image. Is there a way to set it to JUST clear the text, so the imagery (background + foreground) stays consistent?
Hopefully this is worded well, feel free to ask me to clarify. Thanks in advance.